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Accessible, traditional and affordable acupuncture in the heart of Castlemaine, VIC

Whether you're new to acupuncture or a seasoned pin cushion, community acupuncture is for you if:


  •  you're on a budget

  • you're time poor

  • you like the flexibility of drop-in sessions

  • you understand the power of group therapy sessions

  • you need more frequent acupuncture to support your fortnightly or monthly sessions

  • You're in pain - both physically or emotionally



Since I started studying Chinese medicine over 9 year years ago my dream has always been to start a Community acupuncture space.


I was first introduced to informal group treatment sessions about 7 years ago. I remember the first time I walked into the space and saw another 5 massage beds  and couches next to the one I was about to jump on. The other clients were in their own worlds, either face down or eyes closed but everyone could hear everything. Initially I was nervous about talking about what was going on for me in front of others.


After a while, I realised the power of people overhearing each other. I noticed that I didn’t feel alone in my pain, but more connected.


'I have often heard clients remark at the end of their group therapy how important it was for them to have observed the improvement of others.'

Irvin D Yalom

When I volunteered at The Acupuncture Relief Project in Nepal, I saw how a community acupuncture clinic could run well, and I saw how many people benefited each day. I was humbled by the conversations that were had whilst people had their acupuncture needles in. Some chose to engage, others chose to float away with their eyes closed. It was beautiful to witness.


Clinic will open from Thursday February 8th

1/203 Barkers street Castlemaine from 6-8pm

Book your spot online.

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